St. Peter’s - Salesbury


 St Peters Church Salesbury

 Please click on the link below to view the Vision 2026 document issued by Bishop Julian




Please click the link above

Mission Statement 

 ‘Mission to all through and by Prayer, Worship, and Service’ 

 St. Peter’s


+  Distinctive

- is Anglican

- values tradition

- values based

- offers stillness and peace

+ a Community constantly seeking to learn and develop itself

 + Serves God and Community

- Engages with others

Engages in Mission

- Locally


- Internationally 

 in all of this, relying on

Prayer and Worship

        Our Vision and Priorities 


1. Mission

Engage in Mission

– a clear reason for being and doing


2. The Church

a. as the Body of Christ

- Welcoming to all ages and all groups in society

- Inclusive

- Maintains tradition whilst being relevant

b. as a building

- Being flexible and responding to the needs of the community

whilst maintaining financial viability

- Responding to the needs of the community

- Adaptable and flexible


3. Discipleship

a. Equipping and Enabling people

- To serve to God and the Church

b. Prayer and Worship

- Maintaining tradition whilst being relevant and varied 

